Our Services

Geek Glasses

Serving Your Ministry's Technology Needs

At Missional Digerati, we offer a variety of services to meet your specific needs.  These services include:


As technology continues to change, it can be hard to keep up with the new trending tools.  We want to come alongside you, and help your ministry adapt to the changing tides.  If you have code that needs evaluating, want to implement a new open source tool in your ministry, or just have an idea that you want to bounce around, then we would love to help.

Hand Crafted Development

We begin by evaluating ways trending technologies can help you in your unique mission.  We then create a web or mobile application that fits those needs.  In developing the app, we also look for ways your app can give back to the missional community. Then we open source the portion that can best help other ministries fulfill their mission.


WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and Bolt CMS are just a few open source software platforms available to ministries today.  These tools can be difficult to setup, and hard to tailor for your specific needs.  We can help you install a wide array of open source platforms, including many of the tools we have been developing.


As we all know, technology is not perfect.  Mobile and web apps seem to always need updating, and a bug is always lurking around.  We can maintain your code for you, and apply much needed updates as they come out.


At our heart, we believe technology is a powerful tool that can expedite the delivery of the Gospel.  We want others to believe the same.  So we offer training to help believers better understand how technology can assist them in their daily walk.  We also offer programming classes to mission agencies, so they can help in developing tools for the greater missional community.

Our Recent Projects

If you like what you see, let's work together.

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